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Candidates for L.A. County assessor tangle over tax policy in debate

Written By kolimtiga on Senin, 31 Maret 2014 | 22.26

Candidates competing to be the next Los Angeles County assessor tangled in their first public debate Sunday over tax policy and the best way to reform the office after a scandal that led to the arrest of the current assessor. But they were largely united...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Tree removal along Crenshaw has residents stumped

In the name of civic progress, the Crenshaw corridor has lost a lot of trees. First, to clear the way for the space shuttle Endeavour's trek to the California Science Center, 71 mature magnolias and pines were chopped down in 2012 along an almost two-mile...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Affirmative action non-action still causing waves in Sacramento

SACRAMENTO — When the state Senate took up the issue of affirmative action in late January, it was a relatively tepid affair. After 20 minutes of polite debate, senators passed a measure that, if approved by voters, would overturn California's ban on...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

L.A. County grapples with healthcare for remaining uninsured

One long period of Obamacare hand-wringing in Los Angeles County will end Monday, as the window for residents to enroll in mandatory healthcare coverage comes to a close. But less than 24 hours later, county elected officials will be confronted with...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

In L.A., Taiwanese band Mayday rocks its all-Chinese audience

Screams rang out Saturday night across the Los Angeles Sports Arena as Taiwanese band Mayday brought its brand of Asian stadium rock to an all-Chinese audience for a show celebrating its 15th anniversary. "We don't usually do anything on our anniversary,...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Assessor candidate's ballot job title is disallowed

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge Friday ruled that a front-runner in the race for county assessor can't call himself a "deputy assessor" on the ballot. Candidate Omar Haroon, an appraiser in the assessor's office, had filed a court case contending...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Even old hands are stunned by Yee allegations

SACRAMENTO — If there has ever been a more nauseating corruption scandal in Sacramento, I'm not aware of it. Certainly not in the past 50 years. The notion of a legislator masquerading as a gun control crusader while offering to help a mobster...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Cracking cases for L.A.'s Iranian community

An Iranian man parks his car in a guest spot behind his apartment. He heads inside the building and comes back out about an hour later to walk the dog. Across the street, parked in a rental car, private investigator Sam Nassrouie tucks away his surveillance...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Earthquakes leave properties damaged, residents shaken

Written By kolimtiga on Minggu, 30 Maret 2014 | 22.26

When the first jolt hit, Fullerton Mayor Pro Tem Greg Sebourn was on the couch getting his 4- and 8-year-old daughters ready for bed. As Sebourn rushed his screaming girls toward the door, another violent lurch knocked the mayor and one of his daughters...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

La Habra quake a reminder about dangerous Puente Hills fault

The magnitude 5.1 earthquake that rattled Southern California on Friday was a 10-second reminder of a fault that seismologists believe can produce a catastrophic disaster. The Puente Hills thrust fault is so dangerous because of its location, running...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Iranian Americans unite, share culture for New Year celebration

Wearing a dark blue traditional Iranian garment, Roxanna Ameri followed the rhythm of the music as she marched with others outfitted in festive shades of red, green and purple. Ameri, 18, was among hundreds of Iranians who flocked to the Los Angeles...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Aim is true for Santa Monica's 'shotgun house' relocation

It was moving day Saturday in Santa Monica — for a historic 19th century "shotgun house" that narrowly escaped demolition and will become the Santa Monica Conservancy's headquarters. Regarded as the last such intact structure in the coastal city, the...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Indispensable insider looks out for Gov. Jerry Brown's interests

SACRAMENTO — Nancy McFadden begins most mornings on a conference call with other members of Gov. Jerry Brown's inner circle, the governor occasionally chiming in from the background. When Brown took office, the gathering, led by his wife, Anne Gust...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Transit riders assail proposed Metro fare hike at public hearing

During a packed and sometimes tense four-hour public hearing Saturday, Los Angeles County transportation officials heard a litany of complaints from transit riders who said a proposed Metro fare hike would strain the budgets of students and working-class...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

O.C. model railroad sees more vandalism

The railroad buffs who operate Goat Hill Junction just can't seem to catch a break. Just weeks after thieves broke into the model railroad grounds and stole $9,000 in aluminum tracks and other material, vandals broke into the 40-acre Costa Mesa attraction...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

For Japanese Americans, a backtrack to a sad past at Santa Anita

As thoroughbreds were groomed and prepped for the day's races, a group of elderly Japanese Americans circled the stables of Santa Anita in a tram. For six months in 1942, they lived here, in the same stalls where horses had slept, before being shipped...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Sheriff's candidate James Hellmold chastised for joke ethnic accent

Written By kolimtiga on Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014 | 22.26

A Los Angeles County sheriff's candidate who is currently one of the department's highest-ranking officials was chastised for using a mock ethnic accent during a joke phone call played at a retirement party, internal sheriff's records show. In the 2010...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Stationing of armed officers at airports is focus of hearing

How best to station armed law enforcement officers at airports was the focus of a congressional hearing at Los Angeles International Airport on Friday, one of several reviews of the emergency response to November's shooting rampage that left a federal...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Orange County's toll booths take the exit ramp

For years, motorists in Orange County have fished in their pockets for spare change and yanked bills from their wallets as they've navigated the county's vast network of toll roads. But those days are about to come to an end. The pay-to-drive highways...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Orange County confirms 21 cases of measles

Orange County health officials met in an emergency session this week after the latest measles tally showed the number of cases in the county had rocketed in the last few weeks. There are now 21 confirmed cases of measles in Orange County, the most of...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Vernon battery recycler again in trouble over lead emissions

A Vernon battery recycler under fire for contaminating nearby homes with lead and threatening the health of more than 100,000 people with its arsenic emissions is in trouble once again for emitting more than the permitted level of lead, according to...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Arrest of civic figure Keith Jackson in Yee case a surprise to many

SAN FRANCISCO — Keith Jackson came seemingly from nowhere to win a seat on the San Francisco Board of Education, a young newcomer running as a champion of parents and the "problem children" he knew growing up in the city's historically black Western...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Transportation advocates back half-cent sales tax hike

Hoping to garner voter and political support across Los Angeles County for a possible half-cent sales tax increase, transportation advocates gathered downtown Friday to unveil a proposal for a 2016 ballot measure that could fund a range of new transit...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Quake swarm topped by magnitude 5.1 temblor rattles L.A. region

A series of earthquakes peaking with a magnitude 5.1 shaker struck the Southland on Friday evening, causing a rock slide, water main breaks and shattered glass throughout northwestern Orange County, but there were no immediate reports of injuries. The...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Students' interests at center of trial over teacher protection laws

Written By kolimtiga on Jumat, 28 Maret 2014 | 22.26

A groundbreaking, two-month trial challenging teacher job protections in California concluded Thursday with both sides asserting that the interests of students are at stake. The case, Vergara vs. California, seeks to overturn a set of laws that affect...
22.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Qatari court sentences Calif. couple to prison for daughter's death

A San Gabriel Valley couple who moved to Qatar to help the tiny country ready itself for hosting the 2020 World Cup games were sentenced Thursday to three years in prison for the death of their adopted daughter, a verdict that stunned those who have...
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