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Long history of racial tension set the stage for Ferguson protests

Written By kolimtiga on Minggu, 30 November 2014 | 22.25

As Dorothy Kaiser rides down the main streets of Ferguson, the town unfolds before her like a diary. This neighborhood is newer; that one is older; she raised her children in this house, and grew up in that one herself. As far as anyone can tell,...
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Apps, sites aim to transform apartment rental listings

For a long time, hunting for an apartment has meant wading through cryptic yard signs, inscrutable classifieds and frustrating games of phone tag. That's finally changing. Mobile-app start-ups, online real estate giants and even old-school local...
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More owners tapping home equity lines of credit

If you're thinking about taking out a home equity line, you're hardly alone. Credit lines tied to home equity — popularly known as HELOCs — are one of the fastest-growing segments in the mortgage market. Volume during the first half of 2014 is up by...
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Astute buyers request homeowner association documents prior to offer

Question: My homeowners association doesn't run smoothly. Communicating with the board and management wears me out. I tried to sell my townhouse last year but had a really hard time getting the documents buyers wanted before they would make an offer....
22.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Sentimental look at New York bars skips darker side

With all the people yelling and screaming and rushing from here to there, it is easy to miss the sentimental side of the city of New York. But there is one — and readers can catch a glimpse of it in Richard Ocejo's book, "Upscaling Downtown: From Bowery...
22.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Activist Paulina Gonzalez puts pressure on banks to help the poor

The gig: Former union organizer and community activist Paulina Gonzalez, 41, became executive director this year of the California Reinvestment Coalition, an advocate for better financial services and affordable housing in low-income neighborhoods. ...
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Islamic State seen as interloper by larger militant groups

Since declaring a caliphate, Islamic State has garnered support from more than a dozen Islamist militant groups in the Middle East and Asia, but the dearth of endorsements by many of the largest and most recognizable groups serves to underscore the...
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Susan Van Allen to discuss Rome, Florence, Venice travel tips

ITALY Presentation Susan Van Allen will discuss her new book, "50 Places in Rome, Florence & Venice Every Woman Should Go," as well as show slides. When, where: 7:30 p.m. Monday at Distant Lands, 20 S. Raymond Ave., Pasadena. Admission, info:...
22.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

This is where you could live just like Jason Bateman

Written By kolimtiga on Sabtu, 08 November 2014 | 22.25

Actor Jason Bateman and his wife, Amanda, have listed a house they own in Hollywood Hills West at $2.25 million. The Midcentury Modern-style home features walls and doors of glass, hardwood flooring and beamed ceilings. The 2,879 square feet of living...
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Home of the Week: A Neutra-designed house in Silver Lake

The Kambara residence, on the market for the first time since it was constructed, is part of the so-called Neutra Colony of houses in Silver Lake. The home was designed to help keep the original inhabitants in harmony with nature, with the neighbors...
22.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein shouldn't run again, majority of voters say

Although U.S. Sens. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein — two of California's most experienced political figures — remain popular, a majority of state voters say they should not run for reelection, according to a new USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll....
22.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

California's warm 2014 brings something else: more beach rescues

Here's another byproduct of California's unusually warm 2014: more lifeguard rescues at local beaches. Busy lifeguards As of Nov. 3, Los Angeles County lifeguards have already rescued more people in 2014 than they have in any single year in the department's...
22.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Even George Washington couldn't get along with the Senate

Will President Obama's relations with the Senate change, now that Democrats have lost control of it? Probably not. And that's because he didn't have much of a relationship with it in the first place. Neither did most of our previous presidents, even...
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City Hall debates who should trim L.A.'s trees

Nearly a decade ago, Los Angeles embarked on an ambitious campaign to plant more trees across the city. Now city officials find themselves struggling to maintain the urban forest along its parkways and medians. To save money during the recession, the...
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How one ad for Mitch 'Mitchy' McConnell fueled his victory

Ask Mitch McConnell's campaign what helped secure the Kentucky senator's reelection, and they'll give a surprising amount of credit to a two-time Obama voter. And no, not Alison Lundergan Grimes. It was an ad featuring Noelle Hunter, a community...
22.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Aaron Sorkin signs off from TV ... maybe

It was just after 11:30 a.m. when Aaron Sorkin rose from the hulking leather club chair in his office to light a cigarette and announce his retirement from television. The man known for dexterous, incisive dialogue was taking a break from the throes...
22.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Obama needs to take a hint from the American people

Written By kolimtiga on Jumat, 07 November 2014 | 22.25

To the editor: President Obama's post-election speech reveals all one needs to know about him and his view of governance. ("Obama, McConnell speak of cooperation, but conflict is apparent," Nov. 5) He said: "I don't want to try to read the tea leaves...
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Pinup video on military base raises eyebrows in Utah

The girlie video was intended as pure cheesecake. But for Jennifer Seelig, it was more like a horror flick. Seelig, minority leader in the Utah House, learned of the controversial footage last month as she boarded a flight to Washington. While in the...
22.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

'9 Full Moons' casts a harsh glow on romance

There's plenty of heavy baggage in the romantic drama "9 Full Moons." But like the bohemian lovers who cart it around, through the bars and bungalows of East Hollywood, writer-director Tomer Almagor isn't particularly interested in rifling through its...
22.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Americans want it all without wanting to pay for it all

To the editor: Andrew J. Bacevich shares vital truths too long unspoken — and ignored — in Washington. ("A halfhearted U.S. war effort in the Middle East," Op-Ed, Nov. 1) Whether his well-reasoned views on fighting wars halfheartedly will resonate with...
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